Thursday, March 3, 11:45pm
IM'ing with Cathy
Cathy: what happened
Steve: i confessed that i kissed another girl
Steve: she got very pissed off, told me to get the hell out
Cathy: uh huh
Steve: i said listen to me cause i am gonna say this one time
Steve: i am really, really sorry
Steve: and she said, just get out i will call you tomorrow
Steve: Well I am sure you are busy
Steve: and i am fucking loaded
Cathy: youre drunk?
Steve: tru dat
Steve: i like to refer to it as "inebriated"
Cathy: why?
Steve: because i am fucking depressed bruski
Steve: i fucked up and she is going to dump me
Steve: so whatever - i will go back to fucking bimbos that i
meet in bars
Steve: I will fuck them good and hard and then blog about it and teenage boys around the world will whack off in front of their monitors
Cathy: NO
Steve: why? Obviously i cannot handle a grown up relationship
Cathy: :-/
Steve: this sux
Cathy: i know it
Steve: whatever - if she is gonna be a fucking bitch
Steve: i am not gonna beg her
Steve: NFW
Steve: i'd rather be alone
Steve: all i did was kiss her now she is gonna make a federal
fucking case out of it
Steve: i'm serious, i'm not even sweating her anymore
Steve: fuck it
Cathy: are you kidding me?!
Steve: NO
Steve: if she calls she calls
Steve: i'm not gonna fucking chase her like a little candy ass
Cathy: you cheated on her
Cathy: she has a right to be pissed off
Cathy: am I wrong?
Steve: fine so she can be pissed off
Steve: she can tell me 1,000 times what a fuckup i am, how
disappointed she is in me
Steve: then everyone who reads my blog will tell me how
disappointed they are, and everyone will be soooo fucking
disappointed in steve
Steve: so fuck everyone, how's that
Steve: if i'm such a fuckup, leave me alone
Cathy: :-/
Cathy: ok..
Steve: i'm just sayin ;)
Cathy: :-(
Steve: she just makes me mad sometimes
Cathy: well you shouldnt cheat on her steve
Mar 4, 2005 - 12:33am
Cathy: hi
Steve: hey
Cathy: have you cooled off now
Steve: a little
Cathy: dont let people get you down
Cathy: but i dont want to hear you tell me youre going back to
fucking dumb sluts
Cathy: you should see me as a product of getting fucked over,
this is what happens when you do this shit to people
Cathy: thats why i dont understand how you can still do it,
you know?
Cathy: thats what confuses me
Steve: i kissed some other girl
Steve: and ran away like a candyass because i felt guilty
Steve: so obviously i am learning
Steve: because 5 months ago i would have fucked her silly and
not even thought about it
Cathy: i know, we've been talking for a long time now and i've
noticed a change in you
Steve: you see i am telling her what i did
Steve: honestly how many guys are out there confessing to
that petty bullshit
Cathy: you are a good guy
Cathy: i think you just have to find the right girl
Cathy: and maybe you just havent found her yet
Steve: why have i not found the right girl
Steve: just because i kissed someone else
Steve: i was perfectly happy
Steve: i just let it go too far
Cathy: when you find the right girl, you wont have urges to do
things with other girls
Steve: seriously bruski i don't think you understand
Cathy: i guess I dont
Cathy: :-/
Cathy: so help me
Steve: who is a guy you really like
Steve: brad pitt?
Cathy: lol
Cathy: sure brad pitt
Steve: so you think he is very hot
Cathy: sure
Steve: even if you are with another guy you like him
Cathy: hes a celebrity
Cathy: i dont like him
Steve: so if he was standing right in front of you and you
were smelling his cologne and seeing his blue eyes and hard pecs
you'd be crushing on him
Cathy: i just think hes hot
Steve: and you'd be wondering how far he would go
Steve: wanting to find out what it would be like, being curious
Cathy: if im with someone, I dont have urges to be with
someone else
Steve: i didn't have an urge
Steve: it was like curiosity
Steve: wanting to see what she was going to do
Steve: what was going to happen
Steve: like i was watching a tv show
Steve: and being flattered that she wanted me so much
Cathy: but then you have to think about steph whos in it for
the long run
Steve: i am too!
Cathy: not this tim girl whos just lookin for some excitement
Steve: i know
Steve: i ain't looking to hook up with her
Steve: dating wise
Cathy: thats not the point
Steve: the point is, i was supposed to stay away from tim
Cathy: and you didnt
Steve: and not go there
Steve: but now it's too late
Steve: because steph will never forgive me and i won't have
another chance
Cathy: didnt you think about that before you did all this?
Steve: did all what?
Cathy: there are consequences to all your actions
Steve: kissed her for 5 seconds?
Cathy: its still cheating
Steve: i know i know
Cathy: I dont know what to say stevie
Steve: i don't either
Steve: cause if that is the case i should have fucked her
brains out
Cathy: not the attitude to have
Steve: if i was gonna be punished anyway
Cathy: steph has right to be mad
Steve: what the hell is the diff
Cathy: how would you feel if she kissed other guys
Steve: i dunno
Cathy: it wouldnt feel good
Steve: i know
Steve: but i would want her to tell me just like i told her
Cathy: put yourself in her shoes
Steve: i did not have to tell her
Steve: and i said that
Cathy: then you would have been dishonest
Cathy: youre making it seem like it was an honor that you
actually even told her about it
Steve: mmmm
Steve: i know
Steve: sigh
Cathy: i shouldnt be lecturing you
Steve: no you shouldn't
Steve: i was just gonna ream you out for that
Cathy: what?
Steve: for lecturing
Cathy: oh
Steve: well i think i am learning my lessons and i think i
can be a really great bf
Steve: i hope she gives me another chance because i love her
very much
Cathy: tell her that
Steve: but if she does not i might just turn into george clooney
Cathy: please dont do that!
Steve: why not? he seems happy
Steve: oh man i was being mean to you
Steve: holy shit
Cathy: when?
Steve: i was going off
Cathy: its ok
Steve: look at this
Steve: then everyone who reads my blog will tell me how disappointed they are, and everyone will be soooo fucking disappointed in steve Steve: so fuck everyone, how's that
Steve: if i'm such a fuckup, leave me alone
Steve: god damn man
Cathy: its ok!
Cathy: you were venting
Cathy: you've had a tough week
Steve: damn man
Steve: i know i was wrong, but i just get very angry because
i feel like i have made progress and that does not count for
anything at all
Cathy: you have made progress
Cathy: im so proud of you
Steve: but it's almost like, you are just an asshole steve
Steve: and that's that
Steve: thank you for saying that *sniff*
Steve: you are so sweet
Cathy: seriously steve if I didnt care about you I wouldnt waste my time talking to you
Cathy: i love talking to you
Cathy: i look forward to it everyday
Steve: me too
Cathy: if I thought you were an asshole I wouldnt lecture you
Steve: i am sorry i was mean before, i was pretty nasty
Cathy: its ok
Cathy: you have a right to be mad
Steve: i just go off
Steve: i am not used to this shit
Cathy: i know
Steve: maybe i will just chill out and not worry
Cathy: she needs time to think about things
Cathy: you'd want time if you were her too
Steve: i know
Cathy: and i think you need to stop drinking and get some sleep
Steve: can't sleep
Steve: i'll tell you what she says
Steve: if she calls
Cathy: ok :)
Cathy: I would say call me but im an ass and lost my cell
Steve: s'ok
Cathy: alright cutie
Cathy: im off to bed
Steve: smooches
Cathy: hugs