Thursday, October 21, 2004


Red Sox 10, Yankees 3. Need I say more?

Four consecutive wins. Against the Yankees. And the last two at Yankee stadium, to boot. DAMMIT this feels good!

Look for Joe Torre and Brian Cashman to lose their jobs tomorrow, because as we know, George Steinbrenner only knows two solutions to any problem:

1. Fire people; or
2. Spend more money.

I won't soon forget Curt Schilling pitching his ass off with a tendon STITCHED to his skin, bloody sock and all, or David Ortiz pounding the ball into next week seemingly every time at bat, or Johnny Damon hitting two home runs in the same game. These guys are such an inspiration, overcoming the odds that way. And it makes me feel good, too, because they seem like genuinely good guys.

I am off to contemplate the gravity of what I have just witnessed....keep readin.....
